WorkSafe vocabulary

WorkSafe acronyms, language, general and legal terms.


Business unit specific terms

Content Strategy will develop this section further with terms used in each business unit and when which term applies.

If you have a term that you want to add from your business unit, please get in touch with us and we will review your suggestion.

WorkSafe speak

The terms, conventions and styles that give WorkSafe its voice. Applying Australian Government standards to our environment.

Contacting WorkSafe

Use ‘call’ if telephone is the only option.


For more information call WorkSafe Advisory on 1800 xxx xxx.

Use ‘contact’ if telephone and email.


Contact WorkSafe Victoria by calling xxx xxx or email [email protected]


We use Given name and Family name, not first and last name.

Type of correspondenceUse (context)Convention/note

Salutation = Dear Given name,

Body = as applicable.

Sign-off = Warm regards, as default.

Alternative sign-off = Regards, alternative where 'Warm regards' is considered unsuitable for tone of email intent.

Signature = WorkSafe Victoria (bold font) (line break)

Add comma after Given name,

Add comma after Warm regards, / Regards,

Sign-off is used where email is attributed to person, WorkSafe division/ branch, person and WSV division/ branch, or singularly WorkSafe.



Add comma after Given name / add comma after Yours sincerely


In body content: adopt WorkSafe Victoria in full for first use, shorten to WorkSafe thereafter as applicable. 



Salutation = Hi given name, WorkSafe here.

Body = relevant info

Sign-off = Do not reply by SMS. 

  • Recipients must have given consent to receive digital comms
  • No URLs or active text
  • Conversational and authoritative
  • Should not contain personal information
  • Should not convey decisions
  • Must keep records


Collection statements

If your content is used to collect personal information/data, you will need a 'collection statement.' 

Contact Content Strategy and the Privacy team in Corporate Legal for help. 

In general, the law states we need to take reasonable steps to make sure individuals are aware of 6 things when collecting personal information.

  1. The organisation’s identity and contact details.
  2. The fact that the individual can gain access to the information.
  3. The purpose for which the information is collected.
  4. The persons or entities to which information of that kind is usually disclosed.
  5. Any law that required the information to be collected.
  6. The main consequences, if any, for the person if all or part of the information is not provided.


Use (context)ConventionNotes

Translated information

If you would like support from an interpreter, you can contact us using the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National).

If you are deaf or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone, you can contact us using the National Relay Service.


For print content: 

If you would like support from an interpreter, you can contact us using the Translating and Interpreting Service. Visit the Translating and Interpreting Service website:

If you are deaf or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone, you can contact us using the National Relay Service. Visit the National Relay Service website:


Logo to be inserted at left of content. 



Other design elements


All Victorian Government agencies use the VIC font. The font is free and can be downloaded on the Vic Government website

For print material, we use Neue Haas Grotesk. You can contact the brand team for more information. 

Style elements

Website building blocks

For a full list of style elements, you can go to the Australian Government Style Manual.

Referencing WorkSafe

Our organisation has had a number of different names and was known by various acronyms (WorkCover, Victorian WorkCover Authority/VWA and even WorkCare).

Our trading name is WorkSafe Victoria or WorkSafe and these should always be used. When referring to WorkSafe use ‘WorkSafe Victoria’ in the first instance and WorkSafe after.

Make sure there is a capital ‘S’ in WorkSafe.

Use Victorian WorkCover Authority only when quoting directly from legislation.

WorkSafe acronyms

General WorkSafe

A collection of commonly used words, terms and acronyms across WorkSafe.

Acronyms and initialisms

Acronyms are made up of the initial letter of the words in a term and are pronounced as a word, for example Qantas or TAFE.

Initialisms are made up of the initial letters of the words in a term and are pronounced as letters, not a word. For example, NDIS or GST.

Write the full term the first time and follow with the shortened term in parentheses. Only use the shortened term if it is used again.


Australian Bureau of Statistics


Accident Compensation Act 1985 (VIC)


Accident Compensation Commission Transaction Information Online Network

System used by WorkSafe and agents for the management of claims and premium.


Australian Medical Association

​​​​​Peak body that represents medical professionals in Australia.


Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification

​​​​​​​ANZSIC codes are developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics for various purposes such as collating and comparing industry data. The premium division uses ANZSIC codes as a guide and comparison to WorkSafe Victoria’s Workplace Industry Codes.


Annual Performance Adjustment

​​​The incentive mechanism within the Agent remuneration model designed to align Agents with WorkSafe’s goals of improving return to work, service and maintaining Scheme sustainability.


Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority

​​​​​​​An independent statutory authority established by the Australian Government to supervises institutions across banking, superannuation and insurance.


Australian Qualifications Framework

A national policy for regulated qualifications in the education and training system.


Australian Securities and Investments Commission

A government regulator that enforces legislation in respect to companies and can provide information on directors, shareholders and the status of the company.


Average Weekly Earnings

​​​​​​​Average Weekly Earnings statistics represent average gross (before tax) earnings of employees and do not relate to average award rates or to the earnings of the ‘average person’. Estimates of average weekly earnings are derived by dividing estimates of weekly total earnings by estimates of number of employees.


Back at Work

​​​​​​​Measure used when discussing return to work by injured workers.


Culturally and Linguistically Diverse


Community & Public Sector Union


Commonwealth Care ​​​​​

Agency responsible for workplace safety, rehabilitation and compensation in the jurisdiction of the Australian Commonwealth (i.e. Federal) Government.


Customer Relationship Management


Dangerous Goods


Designated Work Groups

​​​​​​​This group has a management representative responsible for OHS issues and tasks specific to the geographical location.


Enterprise Agreement

​​​​The agreement made between WorkSafe and unions which incorporates all terms and conditions of employment.


Equal Employment Opportunity

Ensuring workplaces are free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment.


Enterprise Portfolio Management Office​​​​​

The division provides an organisational wide (portfolio) overview of projects for the Executive and Board.


Enforcement Group
WorkSafe branch responsible for detecting and dealing with breaches of Occupational Health and Safety and Compensation legislation.


Executive Leadership Team
Consists of the Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Director of each business unit.


Employee Opinion Survey
Survey conducted annually to assess the organisation’s culture climate.


Executive Director
The Executive Director of a WorkSafe business unit.


Freedom of Information​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Requests for information that can be made by any stakeholders under the Freedom of Information Act.


Fair Work Commission
Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal, responsible for administering the provisions of the Fair Work Act.


Health and Safety Representative
An employee elected by fellow employees, who are members of a designated work group, to represent their health and safety interests to the employer. The HSR has powers, functions and protections in the role but does not have any duties attached to the performance of the role.


Impairment Benefits
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A type of compensation paid to injured workers.


Independent Medical Examiner
A service provider specifically approved by WorkSafe to undertake a medical examination under s112 of the Act.


Intelligence Management Function
A team specialising in data and analytics.


Industrial Relations Victoria
​​​​​​​Government agency responsible for developing industrial relations policy and initiatives in Victoria.


Institute for Safety Compensation and Recovery Research
​​​​​​​Established in April 2009, is a joint venture between WorkSafe Victoria, the TAC and Monash University and undertakes research in workplace injury and illness prevention, compensation practice, health and vocational rehabilitation.


Injury Management Adviser
​​​​​​​A person who will develop and promote injury management strategies and will provide coaching and advice to case managers regarding treatment and return to work issues enabling effective claims strategies to be implemented on all high risk claims.


Key Performance Indicator
​​​​​​​Indicators used to measure the success of programs or projects.


Mental Injury​​​​​​​
Occupationally acquired mental injury.


Memorandum of Understanding
A non-binding agreement used to establish mutual goals and expectations and set out the rights and obligations of each party. WorkSafe has a number of MOUs with other government bodies publicly available on the website.


Occupational Rehabilitation
​​​​​​​Services provided by approved Occupational Rehabilitation providers to help injured workers get back to work at a level appropriate to their current capacity. These include workplace assessments, vocational assessments and advice concerning job modifications.


Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
​​​​​​​Medicines subsidised by the Australian Government.


Pre-Injury Average Weekly Earnings​​​​​​​
This amount is the average weekly earnings of the worker for the previous 12 months or less if employed continuously by the same employer for that period. This includes commuted allowances paid in lieu of overtime which are not dependent on performance of specific duties or work to be earned.


Personal Injury Education Foundation​​​​​​​
The foundation provides educational programs, initiatives and events to develop the personal injury management skills of those working in the accident compensation industry. It was established by a consortium of Australian and New Zealand accident compensation regulators, insurers and claims management organisations.


Provisional Improvement Notice
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Issued by Health & Safety Representatives, may be affirmed, affirmed with modification, or overturned by an inspector.


People Experience Centre
​​​​​​​First point of contact for all HR advice and support, spanning across the employee lifecycle, including talent acquisition queries.


Registered Training Organisation
​​​​​​​A training provider registered to deliver vocational education and training services.


Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
A professional association for general practitioners.


Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
​​​​​​​A professional association for psychiatrists.


Return to Work
Maintenance at, or, return to, suitable and meaningful employment.


Senior Leadership Team
​​​​​​​The team of senior managers reporting to an executive director.


Service Level Agreement
​​​​​​​An agreement between a service provider and a customer that describes the level of service that will be provided.


Transport Accident Commission
An organisation that covers accidents directly caused by the driving of a car, motorcycle, bus, train or tram. It pays benefits to people injured in an accident as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist.


Treating Health Practitioner
The current health practitioner treating an injured worker, e.g. doctor, physio therapist, chiropractor.


Vocational Education and Training
​​​​​​​A training course that focuses on providing practical skills for work, typically delivered by an RTO.


Victorian Ombudsman
An independent statutory office holder whose role is to investigate complaints about administrative actions and decisions taken by State government departments and authorities, including universities.


Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
​​​​​​​Hears appeals against WorkSafe’s decisions.


Victorian Premium Collection System
​​​​​​​The system used to collect premiums from employers.


Victorian Public Service
​​​​​​​The Victorian Government’s services as a whole.


Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
​​​​​​​Victoria's education and training regulator.


WorkCover Advisory Committee
​​​​​​​Advises the Board on prevention, compensation, rehabilitation and return-to-work issues. The Committee makes inquiries and then reports to the Board on all elements of the WorkCover scheme.


WorkSafe’s Document Management
Software system for managing files. It is vital to ensure that if you receive a file, or hand one to someone else, that you arrange for the file handover to be recorded on WSDoM, so we know who's got it.


Workers Compensation Independent Review Service​​​​​​​
The unit responsible for reviewing Agent decisions or non-decisions as part of an internal review process upon application by a worker and/or their representative.


Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013​​​​​​​
An Act that provides a single gateway for claims of compensation, provides for accident compensation, registration of employers for WorkCover insurance, and administration of WorkCover premiums.

State Government department abbreviations

Premier and Cabinet (DPC)

Government Services (DGS)

Treasury and Finance (DTF)

Education (DE)

Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH)

Health (DH)

Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR)

Justice and Community Safety (DJCS)

Transport and Planning (DTP)