Become an occupational rehabilitation provider

Information about applying to become an occupational rehabilitation provider. There is currently no open tender.


Fair Jobs Code requirements for the OR panel 2024-2027

The Victorian Fair Jobs Code (FJC) will apply to the Occupation Rehabilitation Panel for the 2024 – 2027 Conditions of Approval.

FJC ensures suppliers and businesses applying for Victorian Government contracts are recognised for doing the right thing and putting workers first.

All successful OR Providers approved to deliver services for the 2024 – 2027 period must hold a Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate to be eligible to provide the services in the 2024-2027 contract term. The certificate registration details must be provided as a part of the application or renewal documentation.

The Pre-Assessment certificate is valid for two years for any Victorian Government procurement activity or grant and the application can be submitted at any time.

WorkSafe encourages all interested applicants to obtain the certificate at their earliest convenience to avoid any delays.

Tools and support

Contact the Fair Jobs Code Unit

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industries and Regions.
Phone: 13 22 15
Email: [email protected]

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