Careers account, login and registration help

If you’re looking for an organisation that’s clear about its purpose and plays a vital role in the community, then WorkSafe Victoria is the right place for you. 

Login to your account Create a new account


Create an account

  1. Complete the registration form
  2. Check your email inbox and follow the link to confirm your email address

Edit your profile

  1. Login to the candidate centre
  2. Choose view / update profile from the list of options
  3. Edit your information
  4. Save your changes by clicking 'update'

View jobs you've applied for

  1. Login to the candidate centre
  2. Choose view jobs applied from the list of options

Change email notification settings

  1. Login to the candidate centre
  2. Choose manage email alerts from the list of options
  3. 'Continue'
  4. Choose your preferences
  5. Save your changes by clicking 'save my search criteria'

Update your resume

  1. Login to the candidate centre
  2. Choose attach / view resume from the list of options
  3. To upload a new resume select 'choose file'
  4. To view your resume select 'view uploaded resume'

Reset forgotten password

  1. Login to the candidate centre
  2. Choose change password from the list of options
  3. Enter your current password
  4. Enter your new password
  5. Re-enter your new password
  6. Save your changes by clicking 'change password'

Delete your profile

  1. Login to the candidate centre
  2. Choose delete membership from the list of options