Coping with your loss

Taking care of yourself is important after a family member passes away. We have provided some links and grief counselling resources that may assist you during this difficult time.

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Group of people sitting in a circle during a counselling session.

Everyone grieves differently – and that's okay

The loss of a family member is likely to be one of the most difficult experiences you will go through. You may be offered advice about how you should be grieving but there is no single, easy way of coping with such a loss.

Managing advice

Although some advice may be valuable, remember that everyone's experience of grief is different.

In these situations, here are three things you can try:

  • take on advice that is of use to you or feels right
  • leave behind the advice that is well‐meaning, but unhelpful (they won't be offended)
  • talk to others, including your healthcare practitioner, if you are not coping

Ways to look after yourself

With everything going on, it's easy to forget to take care of yourself.

Where you can, try to:

  • eat healthy food
  • get adequate sleep
  • take some time out
  • be around friends and family
  • keep to your routine as much as possible
  • limit your alcohol intake

Things you might need help with

It's important to get help from a good friend or family member, who you can lean on and can help with the practical matters, such as:

  • notifying friends and family of the death
  • liaising with police, WorkSafe and the Coroner where needed
  • organising the funeral
  • making a WorkSafe claim
  • organising the will and other financial matters
  • closing accounts including social media

Accept support

Friends and relatives may ask if they can do anything to help. Although you may feel concerned about imposing on them, taking up an offer of a cooked meal, child minding or help with the housework may give you extra time to look after yourself or to make arrangements.

Seeking support outside of family

Grieving after you suffer loss is a normal and natural. Some people are, with time, able to manage the difficult emotions that come with the support of friends and family. Other people might find it helpful to talk to a professional, such as counsellor, doctor or psychologist.

Information and support you might need

Making big decisions

It may be useful to check in with a family member or trusted person when a big decision needs to be made. Grief can affect concentration, memory and emotions which can make it hard to make decisions.

Managing difficult dates

Anniversaries, birthdays and religious holidays can be hard without your family member. Doing something special on these occasions like holding a ceremony to pay respect to your family member and the lead up to it can be particularly difficult.

You may feel alone during these times, so finding a trusted friend, family member or counsellor to share your feelings can be extremely helpful.

Apps and tools

There are many mobile apps and tools that can help you to bring some balance to your life and prompt wellness during this time. See which one helps you and fits your situation. You may find they don’t help at all – and that's okay.

Find support with Ask Izzy

Support services you can use any time you need extra support including food parcels, housing help, financial aid, mental wellness, specialty health assistance and counselling.

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