Early Intervention Physiotherapy Framework (EIPF): The model explained

Key features about the early intervention framework model.


The main features of the EIPF

Key features include higher fees for standard and extended consultations, stepping down after 7 and 9 months of treatment respectively. A new fee for metropolitan and regional travel replaces the multiple out-of-rooms items. You will undertake training and join a network of physiotherapists who treat in line with the Clinical Framework.

Where to access the fee schedule

When the higher rates start - from date of injury or date of first service

For initial and standard consultations, the higher rate starts from date of injury and can be applied for 7 months. This is designed to encourage early intervention as soon as possible after an injury. Increased focus on treatment in the early stages will improve return to work and health outcomes for the patient.

For extended consultations, the higher rate starts from date of first service in a community based private practice, and can be applied for 9 months. This is designed to ensure physiotherapists treating complex or severely injured patients who spend lengthy periods in hospital following an injury, are able to access the higher fee for initial treatment that is often more intensive.

How a patient qualifies for extended consultations

Extended consultations are designed for severely injured or complex patients and must be pre-approved. A severe injury is defined in the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013. For more information see:

  • Early Intervention Physiotherapy Framework policy
  • WorkSafe criteria for restricted/extended consultations

What pre-approvals are required and how to apply for pre-approval

Pre-approval is required for extended consultations and travel.

For injured workers, extended consultations will be treated exactly the same as restricted consultations, but referred to by this new name. You can request, complete and return a pre-approval form from the WorkSafe Agent. This will be reviewed by the clinical panel to ensure the request is clinically justified.

Will current prior-approvals still stand?

Yes, they will still apply under the EIPF.

How I find an injured worker's date of injury and first service

An injured worker's date of injury will be recorded when their claim is lodged. If the injured worker is unsure of the date of first private service, the Agent or WorkSafe can provide this information.

Why the WorkSafe rate for initial consultations has been reduced

In order to introduce higher standard and extended consultation fees, the fee for initial consultations was impacted. The fees are now consistent across the TAC and WorkSafe and in line with market rates. The decrease also addresses a reduction in red tape for physiotherapists.

What red tape has been reduced

The following applies to all physiotherapists, not just those enrolled in the EIPF:

  • All physiotherapists can now refer a patient directly to a gym/swim program without a GP referral. (Refer to the Gym and Swimming Programs Policy for more information.)
  • Physiotherapists can now directly provide small stock items under
  • $200 such as splints, braces, taping and bandages without prior- approval from the TAC or VWA Agent. (Refer to the Equipment Policy and Equipment List for more information.)
  • Physiotherapists can refer directly to Network Pain Management Programs. (Refer to the Pain Management and Network Pain Management policy for more information.)
  • Three different medical certificates are now streamlined into one Certificate of Capacity that applies to all injured workers.

What reporting is required

For injured workers, a Physiotherapy Management Plan (PMP) is required within the first 5 visits.

Does the medical or employer excess apply under the new model?

Yes. The medical or employer excess applies as per the standard physiotherapy services.

How an injured worker knows that I’m part of the EIPF

Injured workers can use the ‘Injury Support Provider Search’ on the WorkSafe website.

I've been seeing a patient for longer than seven months and there doesn't seem to be much improvement. What can be done

The WorkSafe clinical panel can provide you with clinical advice and support. Contact the WorkSafe Agent in the first instance.

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