Preventing work-related gendered violence including sexual harassment
View the webinar recording of this past event.
Webinar (online event)
Thursday 27 October 2022
9:00am to 9:45am
Webinar recorded 27 October 2022
Webinar details
Work-related gendered violence comes in many forms, all of which are OHS issues and all of which are unacceptable. Learn more about work-related gendered violence, including sexual harassment, and how to reduce workplace harm including the development of effective prevention plans.
Libby Brook
Principal Psychological Health and Safety Specialist, WorkSafe Victoria
Dr Libby Brook is the Principal Psychological Health and Safety Specialist at WorkSafe, and her team in the Psychological Health and Safety Unit focuses on prevention of psychological injury in Victorian workplaces. She has experience in public and private industries, as well as academia.
Pia Cerveri is a social worker with experience in the statutory, community and local government sectors. In recent years Pia worked at the Victorian Trades Hall Council developing a campaign including training focused on eradicating gendered violence in the workplace. During this time Pia completed a Masters in Narrative Therapy and her thesis was based upon this work.