Reducing workplace harm: WorkSafe's challenges and priorities
View the webinar recording of this past event.
Webinar (online event)
Monday 24 October 2022
9:00am to 9:45am
Webinar recorded 24 October 2022
Webinar details
Join us for the opening webinar of Health and Safety Month as WorkSafe Victoria’s CEO, Colin Radford, and Executive Director of Health and Safety, Dr Narelle Beer, explore the current occupational health and safety landscape in Victoria.
They’ll discuss some of the occupational health and safety challenges facing workplaces and WorkSafe’s priorities for prevention of harm.
The webinar is hosted by Cameron Ling.
Colin Radford
Chief Executive Officer, WorkSafe Victoria
Colin Radford was appointed Chief Executive Officer of WorkSafe Victoria in November 2019. WorkSafe is Victoria’s occupational health and safety regulator and workplace injury insurer. In a 30 year career working in and with the Victorian Public sector, Colin has held many senior roles including most recently, as CEO of the Victorian Management Insurance Authority.
Executive Director of Health and Safety, WorkSafe Victoria
Dr Narelle Beer is the Executive Director of Health and Safety at WorkSafe Victoria. She commenced this role in November, 2021, after having spent more than 35 years serving the community, ensuring public safety and growing organisational legitimacy. Prior to commencing with WorkSafe, Narelle served as Assistant Commissioner with the Northern Territory Police.