Introducing infringement notices for workplace safety breaches

As part of a 2018 Victorian Government election commitment, WorkSafe is introducing infringement notice fines for a range of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) offences.



From 31 July 2021, WorkSafe inspectors can issue infringement notices with penalties of up to 10 penalty units, or $1817.40, attached.

Infringement notices can be issued for offences including:

  • a person undertaking work without a required license, registration, qualification, experience or supervision
  • the use of equipment or substances that are not licensed or registered as required
  • failing to meet various duties relating to the removal and storage of asbestos
  • failure to keep various required records

The infringement notice scheme will strengthen our compliance and enforcement capability, act as an additional deterrent and help keep Victorian workplaces safe. The obligations of employers and other duty holders under OHS laws don't change. Employers still have a duty to provide and maintain a working environment that's safe and without risks to health so far as is reasonably practicable.

We'll continue to provide guidance and information, issue improvement and prohibition notices, and prosecute safety breaches.

Fines will vary depending on the nature of the offence and range from 0.5 penalty units to 10 penalty units ($1817.40) for a corporation and up to two penalty units ($363.48) for an individual.

More information will be available shortly and in the meantime questions can be directed to the WorkSafe advisory service.

WorkSafe Advisory Service

WorkSafe's advisory service is available between 7:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday. If you need more support, you can also contact WorkSafe using the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) or the National Relay Service.

1800 136 089 More contact options