Call for input for Return to Work Victoria pilots

Providers with capacity to deliver workplace mental health services are being invited to submit information for two new Return to Work Victoria pilots.


The Worker Psychological Support Service Helpline would provide those in small and medium sized businesses access to coach or counselling services, so they can address issues that might lead to stress or burnout in the workplace.

The Mentally Healthy Workplace Readiness Initiative would provide assistance to small and medium sized businesses to identify, assess and control risks to mental health within their workplace.

Both pilots are foundation pieces for Return to Work Victoria, which has been established to identify new ways to support workers and employers and help those who are injured return to work.

Each formal Request for Information (RFI) asks organisations with appropriate experience to provide an overview of their current and planned capability and capacity.

The responses will provide Return to Work Victoria with a detailed understanding of existing and emerging services in Victoria and whether these could be expanded to supplement current offerings.

Return to Work Victoria Executive Director Jason Lardelli said industry input was critical to designing programs that could support workers and businesses when and where they needed it most.

"Improving mental health outcomes for Victorian workers and businesses requires innovation and fresh ideas," Mr Lardelli said.

"We know there are many good services out there already and we're looking forward to finding out how they may be able to help us."

Responses to each Requests for Information (RFI) can be made until 2pm on Monday 20 May on the Buying For Victoria website.