Nominating a person or representative for WCIRS

The WCIRS process is quick, simple and free. The WCIRS team can also provide you with assistance in relation to the process of lodging an application. However, if you would like to be represented, you can be.


Do I need to nominate a person or representative?

If you're under the age of 18 years or are living with a legal disability, your legal guardian, representative or person nominated by your legal guardian who is 18 years or older will need to represent you.

If you are over 18 years of age, you do not need to be represented to lodge an application with the WCIRS. The WCIRS process is quick, simple and free. The WCIRS team can also provide you with assistance in relation to the process of lodging an application.

Who can I nominate to represent me?

If you would like to be represented, you can:

  1. Nominate a friend or family member on your application form to represent or assist you, provided that person is 18 years or older
  2. Contact WorkCover Assist
  3. Contact Union Assist
  4. Contact your individual Union representative
  5. Contact a lawyer. The Law Institute of Victoria offers a 'Find a Lawyer Referral Service'

Contact information for representatives

What level of involvement can a nominated person or representative have?

If you would like the assistance of a nominated person or representative, there is space on the WCIRS application form to provide that person or representative’s details. You will also need to specify how you would like us to involve your nominated person or representative in relation to your application.

There are two (2) ways that a nominated person or representative can be involved – the choice is yours. On the application form, you can ask us to:

  1. communicate and request information from you directly in relation to your application and send written correspondence to your nominated person/representative; or
  2. communicate with your nominated person/representative directly in relation to your application and request that we direct all requests from us to and through them.

Changes to your nomination or how we involve your person or representative

We understand that sometimes circumstances can change and you may want to alter who your nominated person or representative is. If you need to make changes to your nominated person or how you would like us to involve them, please let us know in writing by email to [email protected].


We are unable to reimburse you for any costs you might incur as a consequence of engaging a person or representative to assist you with an Independent Review regardless of the outcome.

If would like to nominate a lawyer to be your representative, it would be a good idea to discuss any costs this with your lawyer prior to nominating them as your representative.

Need extra support or information?

We understand that matters such as these can seem quite complex. If further clarification, information or assistance is required, please contact our service team directly on 03 4243 7061 between 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. If you require a translator service, please let our team know when you call.

WorkSafe Advisory

WorkSafe's advisory service is available between 7:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday. If you need more support, you can also contact WorkSafe using the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) or the National Relay Service.

1800 136 089 More contact options