Pharmacy: Register as a provider

Register a pharmacy as a service provider.

Register as a service provider



Pharmacy premises that want to register to provide services to injured workers must complete the WorkSafe application for registration to provide services to workers form. Providers must be registered as a PBS approved supplier through the Department of Health or be authorised to dispense PBS medication in a hospital under the hospital’s PBS approval.

Applicants must provide documentation that will confirm registration as a PBS approved supplier through the Department of Health.

Pharmacy Premises

Organisations that provide pharmacy services can register to provide pharmacy services.

To do this, providers must:

  • Complete a WorkSafe 'Application for registration to provide services to workers' form
  • sign the provider consent and declaration on the above form to acknowledge their experience satisfies industry requirements
  • provide documentation to confirm registration as a PBS approved supplier through the Department of Health.

If the pharmacy is contracted to dispense medication in a hospital, the provider must:

  • Provide documentation to confirm registration of the hospital as a PBS approved supplier
  • Provide evidence of the relationship between the hospital in the form of a contract.

WorkSafe will issue applicants with a provider number for invoicing purposes.

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