Pyrotechnician experience: Licence renewals and amendments

See the current experience required when applying to renew or amend an existing pyrotechnician licence.


Experience required

Section 4.7 of AS2147.4 Explosives, storage, transport and use – Pyrotechnics, requires pyrotechnicians to maintain records of displays showing dates, times, types and quantities of pyrotechnics used.  This record can be maintained in the form of a spreadsheet or similar and must be attached to the renewal or amendment application.

WorkSafe will compare your record of displays to the associated event notifications. Please ensure that the notifications record you as actively involved in the displays.

Please note: you cannot gain a new pyrotechnician licence based on experience only. New licence applicants will need to complete training and assessment with a Registered Training Organisation and provide proof of completion at lodgement.

Experience required for each firework authorisation

Contact WorkSafe's licensing branch

To check the progress of an application or if you need assistance, contact the Licensing Branch at:

Licensing Branch
PO Box 279
Geelong Vic 3220

Phone 1300 852 562
Fax 1800 060 727
Email [email protected]