Application for approval of a dangerous goods packaging design

A form to apply for approval of a dangerous goods packaging design.


What it contains

Applications for packaging design approvals must be accompanied by a test certificate or report from a testing facility registered by the National Association of Testing Authorities Australia (NATA) or equivalent [regulation 57].

  • WorkSafe can only issue an approval to a person or organisation that is 'connected with Victoria' [regulations 17 and 55] which means:
    • for a natural person, domiciled or resident in Victoria (regulation 17(a)), or
    • for a body corporate, having a place of business, carrying on business in Victoria or registered in or incorporated or established under Victorian law (regulation 17(b)), or
    • able to demonstrate a connection between Victoria and the applicant for approval to WorkSafe's satisfaction (regulation 17(c))
  • For any applications relating to Intermediate Bulk Containers, a copy of the self-assessment that indicates compliance with Part 6.5 of the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (Seventh edition or subsequent edition) (ADG Code) must be supplied.
  • WorkSafe must not give an approval to a person who is prohibited by a court order (made in any jurisdiction) from involvement in the transport of dangerous goods [regulation 177(2)].
  • Make sure that you have completed this application form and attach a copy of the NATA or equivalent test certificate or report in full.
  • If the approval is to extend outside the current ADG Code, any other code needs to be referenced (e.g. International Air Transport Association Dangerous Goods Regulations – the IATA Regulations).
  • A failure to provide all of the necessary documentation may result in the application being returned unprocessed.

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