Authority Guidelines: Notification of claim for mental injury

These Guidelines outline how employers must notify the Victorian WorkCover Authority of a mental injury claim as per section 73A of the Workplace Injury and Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013. 


What it contains

These Authority Guidelines outline how employers must respond to a worker’s compensation claim for a mental injury.

A summary of changes includes:

  • Employers must notify the Authority by providing Part A of the Worker's Injury Claim Form within three business days of receiving a claim for mental injury.
  • The completion of Part A of the Worker’s Injury Claim Form does not mean lodgement of a claim under section 20 of the Act.

For mental injury claims, employers must complete and forward Part B of the Worker's Injury Claim Form to their agent within 10 calendar days. Employers can choose to forward both Part A and Part B together, but must do so within three business days.

These Guidelines were issued by Colin Radford, Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian WorkCover Authority on 1 July 2021.

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