Factsheet for workers: Compensation for workers moving overseas (Edition 2)

Information for workers about how payments of compensation entitlements are made.


What it contains

Receiving your payments

You are required to provide a medical certificate and statement of identity to receive your weekly compensation entitlements. The certificate provided should reflect your capacity to work for the next three months.

The statement of identity needs to be signed by you and the treating healthcare provider who issues your medical certificate.

Please use the medical certificate and statement of identity linked below.

How to receive your payments

You are required to provide a certificate of capacity to receive your weekly compensation entitlements. The certificate provided should reflect your capacity to work for the next three months.

You also need to provide your statement of identity, signed and witnessed by the treating healthcare provider who issues your certificate of capacity.

Further information

For information about support and entitlements, please contact your WorkSafe agent.