IRU Guidance Principle 06: Decision making: considering and deciding infringement internal review applications
What it contains
The decision making process used by WorkSafe's Internal Review Unit (IRU) to deal with applications for internal review of infringement notices.
The purpose of this Guidance Principle is to:
- set out the decision-making process WorkSafe Victoria (WorkSafe) uses to deal with applications for internal review of infringement notices; and
- provide guidance for Internal Review Officers (IRO) considering and deciding an application for internal review of an inspector's decision to issue an infringement notice
Infringement notices form part of WorkSafe's Occupational Health and Safety Compliance and Enforcement Framework. This Guidance Principle is subject to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act), Infringements Act 2006 (Infringements Act) and the WorkSafe Victoria Occupational Health and Safety Compliance and Enforcement Policy as amended from time to time.
This Guidance Principle may be modified by WorkSafe at any time. This Guidance Principle is not legally binding and is non-justiciable.
This Guidance Principle only applies to internal review of infringement notices. For guidance relating to internal review of all other inspector decisions, refer to Guidance Principles IRU 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05.