Psychology treatment planning form

A form for psychologists to complete early in treatment with a worker.


Purpose of the form

Psychologists should complete this form in session with the worker they are treating. The form is to be sent to the agent and treating medical practitioner before the sixth session. Information you provide on the form may be discussed during case conferences.

The form aims to achieve the below.

  1. Assist you in formulating and planning the treatment.
  2. Help the worker determine their goals to guide their treatment team.
  3. Improve treatment by providing information to other clinicians involved in the worker's care.
  4. Inform the agent about the worker's treatment needs and progress.
  5. Ensure treatment is appropriate and follows the Clinical framework for the delivery of health services.

By completing the form, you are assisting the worker to understand their treatment and define goals to aid their recovery and return to work.

Use the PS604 service funding code for submission of the form.

What it contains

A fillable form with additional notes and information.

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