Ride-on-mower trial and user training acknowledgement


What it contains

This form must be completed for all requests for ride-on-mowers and like vehicles e.g. side-by-side and farm utility vehicles, and related equipment e.g. tow-behind weed sprayers and trailers.

By signing this form, the ride-on-mower/ like vehicle trial participants acknowledge the following:

  • The worker was provided with instruction and guidance on safe mower/ like vehicle use on their property during the trial.
  • Instructions were demonstrated, understood and trialled successfully.
  • The worker was deemed safe in regards to use of the mower/ like vehicle in their home environment.
  • The prescribing therapist has provided documented instructions to the worker with specific instructions unique to the worker and their property, such as specifying hazards and areas of the property that are unsuitable for the use of a ride-on mower/ like vehicle.
  • Further set-up and orientation to the features of the mower/ like vehicle and a skills test to ensure ongoing safe use will be completed upon delivery.
  • The supplier will provide a written user documentation manual to the worker upon delivery.