Self-insurance contributions guideline (PDF)
A guideline on contributions for self-insurers.
About self-insurance contributions
Contributions are a cost that self-insurers pay to the WorkCover Authority Fund. They assist in covering the cost of services provided by WorkSafe.
The contributions each self-insurer pays depends on their annually certified relevant remuneration. This is in line with section 388 of the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (WIRC Act).
Contributions are the self-insurance equivalent of premiums paid by employers under the WorkCover Scheme.
Relevant remuneration
WorkSafe considers certain types of remuneration to be ‘relevant’ for the calculation of contributions. A self-insurer's relevant remuneration is based on payments paid or payable to their workers over a financial year. It also includes payments paid by any eligible subsidiaries.
Costs WorkSafe includes in contribution calculation
Along with relevant remuneration, WorkSafe considers other factors when calculating contributions. These factors are costs WorkSafe incurs, which are outlined in section 388(6) of the WIRC Act.
The formula WorkSafe uses to calculate contributions is defined in part 4 of the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations 2024 (WIRC Regulations).
Payment of contributions
Self-insurers pay their contributions in quarterly instalments.
Further information
For more information, see the ‘Self-insurance contributions guideline’. You can also email [email protected]