Workplace fatalities (spreadsheet)

Confirmed workplace fatalities from January 2018 to December 2023.


What it contains

The spreadsheet containts confirmed work-related fatalities.

Breakdowns are provided by:

  • month and year
  • age and gender
  • industry
  • category
  • LGA

Data is subject to revision as additional information about known fatalities is received and as new fatality reports are received and processed. Therefore historical published fatality counts can change.

What is reported

The way we report on lives lost in Victorian workplaces has changed. Previously, this reporting excluded some work-related deaths that were not attributable to duties or obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, such as those caused by transport accidents or occupational diseases.

Now workers who die on the road, suicides attributable to work, industrial diseases such as silicosis, and workplace deaths resulting from a criminal act, are included.

We implemented this change for reporting for the 2020-21 financial year, commencing 1 July 2020.

Graphs and comparisons