Security plan for storing explosives
What is a security plan for storing explosives
A security plan for storing explosives details how a licensee will control the security risks associated with the storage of and any activities involving explosives.
A security plan is a combination of plans, procedures, processes and systems in place to effectively manage the security risks associated with the activities involving explosives.
Why is a security plan required
A security plan for storing explosives is required to prevent theft, loss, deliberate interference and unauthorised access for the entire life cycle of explosive activities.
When must a security plan be submitted
A security plan for storing explosives must be submitted to WorkSafe where requested in relation to an application for a licence to store explosives. This plan must also be reviewed and revised when you become aware that it no longer complies with the requirements.
What to include in the security plan
Your security plan for storing explosives must address each of the following points:
- The location and details (including a plan) of the facility in which explosives are to be stored.
- The precautions to ensure explosives are secure at all times.
- The names of all persons (including those employed or engaged by the licensee) who are allowed by the licensee to have access to explosives.
- The procedures for amending the security plan by the addition of names of new persons having access to explosives or the removal of the names of persons who no longer have access to explosives.
- The procedures for instructing persons who are employed or engaged by the licensee and have access to explosives with regard to the security plan.
- The details of a person who is designated to be responsible for maintaining the security plan.
- The system for recording details of and reconciling incoming, manufactured and outgoing quantities of explosives.
- The procedures for reporting to authorities (including the police and WorkSafe) any theft, attempted theft or unexplained loss of explosives or any other security incident involving explosives.
- The systems or precautions that are in place to ensure that explosives are only received from a licensee authorised to sell, import or use the explosives and that the explosives are delivered to a person who is licensed under the Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2022.