Referencing WorkSafe
Our organisation has had a number of different names and was known by various acronyms (WorkCover, Victorian WorkCover Authority/VWA and even WorkCare).
Our trading name is WorkSafe Victoria or WorkSafe and these should always be used. When referring to WorkSafe use ‘WorkSafe Victoria’ in the first instance and WorkSafe after.
Make sure there is a capital ‘S’ in WorkSafe.
Use Victorian WorkCover Authority only when quoting directly from legislation.
WorkSafe speak
The terms, conventions and styles that give WorkSafe its voice. Applying Australian Government standards to our environment.
Using WorkSafe contact details
Use ‘call’ if telephone is the only option.
For more information call WorkSafe Advisory on 1800 xxx xxx.
Use ‘contact’ if telephone and email.
Contact WorkSafe Victoria by calling xxx xxx or email [email protected]
We use Given name and Family name, not first and last name.
Type of correspondence | Use (context) | Convention/note |
Salutation = Dear Given name, Body = as applicable. Sign-off = Warm regards, as default. Alternative sign-off = Regards, alternative where 'Warm regards' is considered unsuitable for tone of email intent. | Add comma after Given name, Add comma after Warm regards, / Regards, Sign-off is used where email is attributed to person, WorkSafe division/ branch, person and WSV division/ branch, or singularly WorkSafe.
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Letter | Add comma after Given name / add comma after Yours sincerely
In body content: adopt WorkSafe Victoria in full for first use, shorten to WorkSafe thereafter as applicable.
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SMS | Salutation = Hi given name, WorkSafe here. Body = relevant info Sign-off = Do not reply by SMS. |
Collection statements
If your content is used to collect personal information/data, you will need a 'collection statement.'
Contact Content Strategy and the Privacy team in Corporate Legal for help.
In general, the law states we need to take reasonable steps to make sure individuals are aware of 6 things when collecting personal information.
- The organisation’s identity and contact details.
- The fact that the individual can gain access to the information.
- The purpose for which the information is collected.
- The persons or entities to which information of that kind is usually disclosed.
- Any law that required the information to be collected.
- The main consequences, if any, for the person if all or part of the information is not provided.
Use (context) | Convention | Notes |
Translated information If you would like support from an interpreter, you can contact us using the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National). If you are deaf or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone, you can contact us using the National Relay Service.
| For print content: If you would like support from an interpreter, you can contact us using the Translating and Interpreting Service. Visit the Translating and Interpreting Service website: If you are deaf or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone, you can contact us using the National Relay Service. Visit the National Relay Service website:
| Logo to be inserted at left of content.