Victorian workers compensation system - independent review

An independent review into the administration and management of complex workers' compensation claims.



In July 2020, the Victorian Government launched an independent review into the administration and management of complex workers' compensation claimss (the Review), led by Peter Rozen QC.

The Review was in response to a Victorian Ombudsman's 2019 recommendation to commission an independent review of the agent model to determine how and by whom complex claims should be managed.

The Review's final report and the Government Response were released on 18 March 2022.

Government response

The independent review undertook extensive industry and community consultation to inform its recommendations.

The final report made 22 recommendations aimed at improving transparency and oversight of the scheme and the way complex claims are managed.

The Victorian Government considered the Review's recommendations and:

  • accepted five recommendations
  • accepted-in-principle fourteen recommendations
  • considered that two recommendations require further consideration, and
  • noted one recommendation

In line with the Review's recommendations, by the end of 2022, WorkSafe Victoria's Claims Recovery and Support team will directly manage the claims of approximately 2,000 long-term injured workers.

Implementation plan

As part of the government response, WorkSafe has developed an implementation plan that commits to delivering change in line with the recommendations.

Throughout implementation, WorkSafe will continue to consult with key stakeholders and groups to ensure delivery is reflecting the intent of the Review's recommendations.

Quarterly reports

WorkSafe has committed to publishing quarterly reports on its progress implementing the accepted recommendations.