WorkWell disclaimer

The content of this website is provided for information purposes only.



The content of this website is provided for information purposes only. No claim is made as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content on this site at any time. The Victorian Government and this agency (WorkSafe Victoria) does not accept liability to any person for the information or advice, or the use of such information or advice, provided on this website.

The information on this site is to be displayed in full screen format only. No liability is accepted for any information that may appear in any other format.

The WorkSafe WorkWell website contains hyperlinks to a variety of other sources. Material from other organisations is provided in good faith as representing the views and policies of those organisations. It does not necessarily reflect the policy of WorkSafe Victoria. Compliance with occupational health and safety guidance developed under a legislative regime outside of Victoria does not necessarily constitute compliance with the Victorian legislation. The information and advice provided is of a general nature only. No person should rely on it without seeking professional advice which takes account of their specific circumstances.

Important information

The WorkWell Toolkit is designed to help all Victorian workplaces make improvements to mental health and wellbeing.

To provide you with specific information to make improvements in your workplace with regards to mental health and wellbeing, you will need to answer all questions in the WorkWell Toolkit. The specific information we provide to you is based on the answers you provide to us.

The specific information you receive to make improvements in your workplace with regards to mental health and wellbeing are suggestions only. Your workplace has an obligation to ensure its own compliance with relevant legislation.

All information you provide to WorkSafe via WorkWell is used solely for the purpose of providing information on the WorkWell program and for no other purpose.