Is the maximum penalty for each act of unlawful discrimination for a workplace.
Fair Work, 2017
Learn about diverse and inclusive workplaces and get the tools to improve your approach.
Practical step by step ideas, tips and suggestions to help employers of different sizes prevent mental injury and create a safe and mentally healthy workplace. Use tools, templates and resources to focus on work-related factors that impact mental health and learn good practice. Check out the full range of topics on the Toolkit.
An equal and diverse workplace lets you draw from the biggest possible talent pool, increasing your skills and innovation. Diverse workplaces reap the benefits of being better able to serve Australia's diverse range of customers.
Employees are protected from workplace discrimination under Victorian and federal laws and organisations can be held legally responsible for incidents of workplace discrimination.
Developing and maintaining an equal employment opportunity (EEO) policy can reduce discrimination, as well as guide employers in how to respond to a complaint. By being proactive and implementing an EEO policy, you will be taking practical steps towards creating a fair and productive workplace.
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
Is the maximum penalty for each act of unlawful discrimination for a workplace.
Fair Work, 2017
More diverse and inclusive workplaces see an 83% improvement on innovation, a 42% improvement in team collaboration, and a 31% improvement in the ability to respond to changing customer requirements.
Deloitte and Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission, 2017
This short video from Accenture is a great resource to share with your staff to start increasing awareness of diversity and inclusion.
Celebrating the following diversity holidays and celebrations can help your workplace diversity and inclusion efforts. Choose one that's relevant for your workplace – the list below includes a few dates to get you started, but there are many more in the links provided.
Diversity and inclusion can seem overwhelming, but there are some quick, practical steps you can take to acknowledge and increase diversity and create a more supportive workplace.
Use the self-assessment list to see how your workplace is doing in some key areas of diversity and inclusion. Tick the items that are true in your workplace.
Workplace diversity and inclusion practices
From the self assessment you completed in Step 3, identify 1 key area that you can improve and start working on it.
TIP: choose something that you can implement in the next 3 months. This will show you're committed to improving diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Ask your employees their opinion to get them involved and onboard.
The Australian Human Rights Commission has a template you can use as the basis to develop your EEO policy.
The sample Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity Policy gives further detail about promoting diversity and inclusion, unacceptable behaviours and how to resolve issues.
Remember to talk to your employees to get their perspectives and see if they have any great ideas you could include in your policy.
Use this checklist to make sure your policy covers the basics and see if it's ready to share with your employees. Ask some of your employees to read your draft policy and give you feedback.
When it's ready, share it with your employees and make sure everyone has a chance to discuss it and ask any questions they might have about what it means.
WorkWell supports leaders to create safe and mentally healthy workplaces. Access the WorkWell Toolkit for step-by-step tools tailored to your business size, or subscribe to the WorkWell newsletter to stay up to date and receive support direct to your inbox!
The WorkWell Toolkit is proudly developed by WorkWell.
Disclaimer: The WorkWell Toolkit provides general information only. Please consider your specific circumstances, needs and seek appropriate professional advice.