Before you make a WorkCover claim

The claims process is different depending on what you're claiming for.


Compensation available to injured workers

If you're injured at work and need medical treatment or time off work, you may be eligible for compensation which may include time off work and treatment expenses.

You may also be able to get compensation if you've become permanently impaired, or if you find you need more than 52 weeks off work, you may also be eligible for superannuation benefits.

If you have sustained a work-related mental injury, you may also be entitled to access early support for reasonable medical treatment and services while you await the outcome of your claim. This support is called provisional payments. If the claim for your mental injury is later accepted, you may then be entitled to weekly payments for time off work.

Provisional payments - support for workers with a mental injury

This video provides useful information on how Victorian workers who suffer from a mental injury can access early treatment and support, where you can go for support and how to find out further information.

Provisional payments: support for mental injuries

Can I get treatment before a claim is accepted?

Your health is the most important thing. If you have sustained an injury you should seek treatment as soon as possible, regardless of whether you have an accepted workers' compensation claim.

For more information about treatment you can access without a referral, see treatment expenses.

Costs of any physical injury can later be covered by workers' compensation if your claim is accepted.

If your claim includes a work-related mental injury, you may be entitled to provisional payments. This means that you can receive support for the reasonable costs of medical treatment and services for your mental injury while a decision is being made on your claim. The WorkSafe agent will notify you if you are entitled to provisional payments on your claim usually within 5 business days.

It's important to note that payment of the reasonable costs of medical treatment and services does not necessarily mean payment of the full costs. There may be a 'gap' between what the provider charges and what is payable under WorkSafe's schedule of fees.

People involved in the process

  • You: The injured worker.
  • Your employer: Usually the employer you were working for when the injury or illness occurred.
  • The WorkSafe agent: Agents are authorised by WorkSafe to manage workers compensation claims.
  • Your medical or health providers: Chosen by you, not your employer.
  • Independent medical examiners (if required): Approved health professionals who make sure you receive the right treatments and benefits.
  • Return to Work Coordinator: The key person in your workplace that helps you return to work.

Before you start your claim you may need