Your WorkCover insurance responsibilities as an employer
Understand what your responsibilities are and your legal obligations as an employer.
Your responsibilities
All employers must:
- Notify WorkSafe of changes to your workplace or business activity
- Keep remuneration details up to date
- Determine whether or not you are covered by WorkSafe when using contractors
- Pay your premium by the due date shown on your invoice.
If you fail to meet these responsibilities, penalties may apply.
Notifying WorkSafe of changes
You are required to notify your WorkSafe agent if:
- there are any changes to your workplace or business activity (this can affect your classification and premium)
- your workplace address changes
- you change your legal business name.
- the contact person for your insurance changes
- you begin employing workers at a new workplace, cease to employ at a current workplace or cease to employ and no longer require insurance
- your remuneration increases or is likely to increase by 20% or more from your most recent estimate of remuneration for the financial year (if this occurs, you must notify your agent within 28 days).
Keeping remuneration details up to date
Your remuneration includes wages and other benefits you pay your workers. To keep your remuneration details up to date, it's important to check:
- your annual estimate of remuneration is correct (this will be sent to you by your WorkSafe agent)
- your claims statement is correct (if you have any claims)
- your remuneration is correct.
To check or update your remuneration details, use your WorkSafe insurance portal login (Online Employer Services) at the end of each financial year.
Your annual estimate of remuneration and your claims statement are used when your premium is calculated each year.
Important: Make sure you know how your remuneration is calculated. Be aware that if you underestimate your remuneration, penalties may apply.
Working with contractors
If you are using contractors, it is your responsibility to find out if they are considered workers by WorkSafe. This may affect your total remuneration – one of the factors that influences your premium.
You may be liable if the contractor is injured while performing work for you.
Contractors can operate as sole proprietors, partnerships, companies or through family trusts. They can also refer to themselves as consultants, agents or outworkers.
Each time you hire a contractor you must determine if they're considered a 'worker' by WorkSafe. If so, you become their employer for WorkCover insurance purposes and you must include the money you pay them in your total remuneration. The worker and contractor assessment tool will help you understand if your contractors are considered workers by WorkSafe.
Contractual relationships before July 2011
Before 1 July 2011 the tests to determine if a contractor is the worker of the hirer were different. If you have a contractual arrangement with a contractor that existed before July 2011 you can refer to the contractor guidelines publication.
How workers are classified by WorkSafe
Victorian workers' compensation legislation states that individuals are considered workers in certain types of occupations or industries. See Understand if the people you employ are considered workers or contractors page.
Paying your premium by the due date
All employers must pay their premium by the due date. Penalties may apply for late payments.