10 tips to help you get back to work

Simple advice for getting you in the right frame of mind to return to work.


Get your life back to normal

The earlier you start planning your return to work, the more likely you are to get back to work quickly.

While a work-related injury or illness can have a big impact on your life, research has shown that getting back to work is important for your health and wellbeing.

10 tips for getting back to work

  1. Act early. Don't wait till you are 100% recovered to return to work.
  2. Understand that the most important person in your recovery is you.
  3. After your injury try to keep positive and motivated – focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t.
  4. Work actively and cooperatively with those involved in your return to work.
  5. Raise issues or concerns immediately with the appropriate people.
  6. Talk regularly with people involved about your progress and return to work planning. This may include your GP, your return to work coordinator, your manager/supervisor and your agent case manager – help them to help you get back to work.
  7. Regularly review your return to work arrangements.
  8. Focus on what you can do, not what you cannot do.
  9. Incorporate work into your recovery. Remember, you don’t have to be 100% to get back to work.
  10. Ask for help/information when you need it.

Staying positive

Staying positive and keeping active after an injury can benefit your rehabilitation as well as your general wellbeing.

Feeling nervous or worried about getting better and returning to work are natural emotions. Trying to keep a positive approach plus getting the right support can help you recover and return to your normal routine.

The following tips may assist your rehabilitation

  • Talk to your treating health practitioner about how you may be able to stay active.
  • Talk to your family about how they can support you and help you to get better.
  • If you're away from work, talk to your workmates about how you can stay connected with what's happening at work.
  • Try not to get frustrated if things don't always go smoothly. Rehabilitation can take time and requires persistence.

Need support or assistance?

Talk to your:

  • GP
  • Return to Work Coordinator
  • WorkSafe agent
  • The person you nominated to assist, support or represent you during the return to work process.

Or call the WorkSafe Advisory service.

WorkSafe Advisory

WorkSafe's advisory service is available between 7:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday. If you need more support, you can also contact WorkSafe using the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) or the National Relay Service.

1800 136 089 More contact options