Commitment to Prevention of Mental Injury in the Workplace

This category acknowledges an organisation demonstrating a prevention-led commitment to creating a mentally healthy workplace.

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About this award category

This category acknowledges an organisation demonstrating a prevention-led commitment to creating a mentally healthy workplace through the development and implementation of safe systems of work, strategies, policies or programs which purposefully address the work related factors that can lead to mental injury.

If you know an organisation invested in creating mentally healthy workplaces and making positive change submit an entry so we can share your story. Entrants must present evidence of a collaborative approach to building a workplace culture that promotes mental health and wellbeing and prevents mental injury.

Judging criteria

Keep this criteria in mind as this is what the assessment and judging panels will be assessing your entries with.

Consultation and engagement

How were employees involved in identifying issues and risks within the workplace? And how did employees contribute to the development and implementation of the safe systems of work/strategies/policies/programs addressing the risks?

Work related factors

Work related factors (also known as psychosocial hazards) are anything in the management or design of work that increases the risk of work-related stress, which can lead to physical injury, mental injury or even both at the same time.

Which work-related factors does the safe system of work/strategy/policy/program seek to address:

  • Low job control
  • High and low job demands
  • Poor support
  • Poor organisational change management
  • Poor organisational justice
  • Low recognition and reward
  • Low role clarity
  • Poor workplace relationships
  • Poor environmental conditions
  • Remote and isolated work
  • Violent or traumatic events

Prevention-led approach

How do the safe systems of work/strategy/policy/program address the root cause(s) of workplace mental injury and/or risks to mental health and wellbeing?

Organisation commitment

How has senior leadership supported the safe system of work/strategy/policy/program and its implementation?

Evaluation and continuous improvement

How will the safe systems of work/strategy/policy/program be measured in terms of its impact? What impact has it had on the workplace culture? What opportunities are there for improvement(s) or wider application to include more staff or workplaces and industries?

Hear from a past winner

Commitment to Prevention of Mental Injury in the Workplace Award Winner 2022 – CDC Victoria

After you enter

The entry and judging process explains what happens from the time you enter through to the announcement of the winners.