Workplace Health and Safety Solution of the Year

This category recognises individuals and organisations that develop, implement, and/or manufacture solutions to health and safety issues or hazards in their own workplaces or for industry.

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About this award category

This category recognises individuals and organisations that develop, implement, and/or manufacture solutions to health and safety issues or hazards in their own workplaces or for industry.

Open to all Victorian-based businesses and workers, we're looking for innovative ideas that are making a real difference. Share your safety story today and let's celebrate its success.

Judging criteria

Keep this criteria in mind as this is what the assessment and judging panels will be assessing your entries with.

Transferability of entry

Can this initiative be applied across other industries and workplaces?


To what extent is this initiative innovative, creative, new and different?

Risk control

How does the initiative apply the hierarchy of control? (Elimination, substitution, engineering, isolation, administrative controls).

Risk profile

What difference would the initiative make to the risk profile of a workplace as a whole?


What commitment is evident in the initiative? Details of resources invested in developing the solution (human and financial) and in ensuring it was successfully integrated into the business.


Was consultation built into the development/implementation/on-going monitoring of the initiative?


How effective is the initiative? Evidence of injury and risk reduction.

Hear past winners

After you enter

Workplace Health & Safety Solution of the Year Award Joint Winner 2023 – Hard Seat Cover, Victoria Police

The entry and judging process explains what happens from the time you enter through to the announcement of the winners.