Criteria for referral to the Alfred Occupational Respiratory Clinic

Criteria for WorkSafe referring a worker from the stonemason industry to the Alfred Occupational Respiratory Clinic (AORC) for the first time for a screening appointment.



The AORC at the Alfred will make available initial screening appointments and in addition make available non-screening appointments for eligible workers in the stonemason industry.

The target patient population for the screening appointments can be divided into two groups, in no specific order:

  1. Workers who have not undergone any prior silicosis health assessment and;
    • have worked in the stonemason industry for 6 months or more; and
    • if they remain employed in the stonemason industry, work for a SME business (employee numbers 30 or less)
  2. Workers who have undergone a prior WorkSafe silicosis health assessment and;
    • do not have a diagnosis of silicosis or other respirable crystalline silica-related disease;
    • have worked in the stonemason industry for 6 months or more; and
    • if they remain employed in the stonemason industry, work for a SME business (employee numbers 30 or less)

If a worker meets all the requirements of criteria 1 they are eligible to be referred to the AORC.

If a worker meets all the requirements of criteria 2 they are eligible to be referred to the AORC.

Criteria for WorkSafe or the AORC referring a worker for follow up health assessments

Workers who have undergone an initial silicosis health assessment with the AORC and the AORC have clinically indicated that the worker requires a follow up health assessment with the AORC due to abnormalities that require further investigation, without a confirmed diagnosis of a work-related condition.

Criteria for referring to the AORC for non-screening appointments

  1. Past and present workers in Victoria who have a diagnosis of silicosis or other respirable crystalline silica-related disease.
  2. Past and present workers in Victoria who have or are suspected to have an occupational respiratory condition that is not related to silica.
  3. Workers who have undergone an initial silicosis health assessment with the AORC and have a diagnosis of silicosis or other respirable crystalline silica-related disease.

The AORC is available for an initial free screening for eligible workers in the Victorian stonemason industry. At the conclusion of the initial screening, the AORC will recommend when a follow up assessment should take place, and whether that assessment is to be done at the AORC or with an alternate medical practitioner.


What are the changes to the health assessment process?

  • Workers in the stonemason industry will continue to have free access to occupational silicosis health assessments of the highest possible standard.
  • The clinic will offer a centralised, comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and management of occupational respiratory diseases, including silicosis. Importantly workers will leave the clinic with their health outcome and a management plan, taking away much of the stress associated with waiting for a diagnosis.

Who do I contact to start a health assessment?

Workers in the stonemason industry who may be eligible for a health assessment at the clinic will need to call WorkSafe's Silica Advisors on 1800 136 089 (option 1 then option 3) for a referral.

I am not a stonemason am I eligible?

The free health assessments are just for those in the stonemason industry at this stage, you can view the eligibility criteria above.

However, if you have been exposed to crystalline silica at work and the work conditions are reasonably likely to have an adverse effect on your health then your employer is obligated to pay for and arrange for you to heave health monitoring. Health monitoring should be carried out by a specialist respiratory and sleep physician or an occupational physician who is a fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM), with expertise in respiratory and silica exposure health monitoring. A list of practitioners can be found on the Royal Australasian College of Physicians website at Employers should speak to the occupational physician to ensure they have experience with silicosis and other silica dust diseases.

I had a health assessment a year ago and need another which process will I go through?

All WorkSafe silicosis health assessments will now be taking place through the AORC, subject to eligibility. To book and confirm eligibility, call WorkSafe's Silica Advisors on 1800 136 089 (option 1 then option 3) for a referral.

Can I have more than one free initial screening at the AORC?

The AORC is available for an initial free screening for eligible workers in the Victorian stonemason industry. At the conclusion of the initial screening, the AORC will recommend when a follow up assessment should take place, and whether that assessment is to be done at the AORC or with an alternate medical practitioner.

I have a question about the health assessment program, who can I contact?

Call WorkSafe's Silica Advisors on 1800 136 089 (option 1 then option 3).