Supporting a friend or family member
Information to help people act on behalf of someone else during the claims process.
You can help an injured worker
Getting injured at work can be a stressful experience. There are many different people involved in managing a claim, but as a family member or friend you have a unique chance to support an injured worker.
Formal Support
An injured worker can nominate a person to represent them on their claim. This person is called a ‘Nominated Representative’.
A Nominated Representative can be a union representative, solicitor or lawyer, a family member, or a friend.
An injured worker needs to have the legal capacity to nominate this person. This means they need the capacity of an adult to make reasonable decisions about themselves, their circumstances or their financial and legal affairs that may affect their entitlements.
Informal Support
If a person needs time off work after being injured it can mean they miss out on some of the social interaction they normally get from their workplace.
Having a social network can assist in a workers recovery, so as a family member or friend your support is valuable.
It’s important to listen and empathise with the person with an injury and to try and avoid judgement or frustration. If you’re unsure on the best way to support a person with an injury – ask them.
You can also read through the return to work (RTW) information available on our site. Understanding what a claim involves, the people that will be helping out and how the return to work process works can help you support a worker with an injury.
Crisis Support
If a friend or family member needs urgent support there are a number of organisations that you can direct them to, or contact yourself.
Triple Zero
Triple Zero is typically used where:
- Someone is seriously injured or in need of urgent medical help.
- Someone has had their life or property threatened.
- You have witnessed a serious accident or crime.
Lifeline provide 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services. Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation Lifeline’s trained volunteers are ready to listen, provide support and referrals.
Lifeline also have an online chat option, and help resources.
Emergency Relief
Emergency relief services are delivered by community organisations and help people address immediate basic needs in times of crisis. Emergency relief can act as a safety net for people experiencing financial distress or hardship and who have limited means or resources to help them alleviate their financial crisis.
DirectLine operate a free, confidential 24/7 helpline in Victoria that provides alcohol and drug counselling and referral. DirectLine is available for people with a drug or alcohol problem, or for family and friends. They offer a range of services and referrals.