WorkSafe 101 for high schools - Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about WorkSafe 101 for high schools and the WorkSafe Academy.
Frequently asked questions
- What resources are available?
- Three e-Learning modules covering:
- OHS basics
- hazard identification;
- speaking up
- A 2-minute animated trailer for the program which covers what OHS is all about and some common risks and hazards faced by young workers in the workplace.
- Five, 30 second animated videos covering the key topics from the modules:
- rights and responsibilities
- what is a Hazard?
- reporting physical hazards
- psychosocial hazards
- speak up
- Three classroom group activities covering:
- setting up a workplace with consideration of OHS and profit
- identification and management of risks
- speaking up when things are unsafe
- Teachers Pack providing an overview of the course content, templates and references to extended resources that may be useful.
- Three e-Learning modules covering:
- Is the program free?
Yes, the program is free for any students or teachers who sign-up.
- How was the course designed?
The course design was informed by engagement and qualitative interviews with a number of career practitioners and VCAL teachers across multiple Victorian schools, including schools with a high proportion of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and English as an Additional Language (EAL) students, Catholic education, regional and metropolitan schools.
- Has the course been tested with students and teachers?
The course was piloted in early 2022 with select Victorian schools and had overwhelmingly positive results from students and teachers.
Improvements were observed among students across many key indicators including knowledge of OHS rights and responsibilities, where to find OHS information and confidence to speak up about OHS issues.
Feedback from teachers showed the content and resources were able to be adapted to suit different methods of teaching, and easily fit into a school curriculum. Teachers also expressed positive feedback in regard to the content being relevant and topical; including psychosocial as well as physical hazards.
- Is the course accredited?
No, the course is not a formal accreditation for any OHS training. The course is designed to assist teachers to help educate students on their rights under the OHS Act prior to commencing work and does not replace any formal training, qualifications or induction processes that may be required.
- Is the course aligned to the Victorian Education Curriculum?
WorkSafe have worked with both the Department of Education and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) to check that our assets align with the needs of students undertaking the VCE Vocational Major, VCE Pathways certificate, current VCAL Work-related skills curriculum or new Work-related Skills curriculum (due 2023). The program also aligns with the VCE Industry and Enterprise curriculum.
- Is there a certificate of completion for students?
Yes, upon completion of the modules, students will have the option to print a Certificate of Completion indicating that they have gone through the OHS content designed by WorkSafe Victoria. This can be used by students to complement their resume when looking for their first job. However, the course is not a formally registered qualification and is not intended to replace workplace induction or training.
- Where can I find the e-Learning resources for the pilot?
e-Learning modules can be accessed on the WorkSafe Academy Portal.
- Do I need to sign up or create an account to access the resources?
Yes. Once you sign up you will gain access to the Portal where you can access the resources.
- How do I create an account for the WorkSafe Academy Portal?
Teachers can sign up to WorkSafe Academy portal by emailing worksafeacademy @ An account will be set up for them which allows them access to all student and teacher resources. Within the portal, teachers can download the Student details template.
The template can also be downloaded from the Resources page.
Once the template is completed this can be emailed to worksafeacademy @ for student accounts to be set up.
Upon registration each student will receive a welcome email with the link to WorkSafe Academy, a unique user ID and a password.
- I am unsure how to use the WorkSafe Academy portal – is there a guide that can help me?
Reference materials and guides are all available for teachers within their account.
- I would like to do some of the e-Learning modules as a hardcopy workbook. Are the e-Learning modules available in Print Version?
Yes, the e-Learning has been made available in a PDF version that can be located from either the WorkSafe Academy portal or on our WorkSafe 101 – for high schools program resources page.
- How long do I have to complete the program?
All logins will be reset at the end of each term in order to give as many schools as possible the opportunity to access the program. So, if you sign up in term 1, you have until the end of term 1 to complete the program.
If you sign up and don’t complete the content during that term, you can resend us your registration template when you’re ready to teach the course.