Respect and Equality in the Legal Sector

A Women's Legal Service Victoria project focusing on addressing work-related gendered violence and sexual harassment against women working in the legal sector.

Logo of the women's legal service victoria.

Project overview

Women's Legal Service Victoria is partnering with several project partners in Victoria's legal sector to foster safe, fair and equitable workplaces.

The project builds on the Starts With Us framework and aims to disrupt cultural and systemic drivers for gendered-violence in justice system workplaces. It supports leaders to authorise and champion cultural change, and will draw from a coalition of stakeholders to drive action.

This project will review the barriers and enablers for using existing reporting tools within the legal sector, and develop tools and resources for creating system level change.

Project deliverables

Women’s Legal Service Victoria will:

  • Take a human-centred and co-design approach to help determine enablers in the workplace, and identify barriers to reporting workplace sexual harassment.
  • Develop resources and training that increases awareness and use of existing anonymous sexual harassment reporting tool(s).
  • Explore opportunities for engagement with the profession across the regulator’s processes, including in continuing professional development (CPD) training for lawyers.

Project lead

Project partners

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