Does WorkSafe have preferred doctors

As a return to work coordinator, how might you help a worker find a doctor that suits them?


Does WorkSafe have ‘preferred’ doctors?

No - WorkSafe doesn't have a list of preferred doctors.

It's also worth remembering that as long as a doctor is registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practise in the medical profession (other than as a student) workers can choose to see any doctor they like.

You can, however, recommend a doctor to your worker and they are free to choose to see them or not.

If you are looking to find a doctor in your area who treats WorkSafe patients, we recommend you:

  • meet with local practices/doctors and talk with them about their experience working with injured workers and their practice in promoting the health benefits of safe work
  • talk to larger local businesses who are likely to be connected to a clinic or doctor
  • check out the finalists and winners of WorkSafe's Treating Health Practitioner awards.

For other healthcare professionals, WorkSafe has a network provider program which includes occupational physiotherapists, occupational therapists and pain management program providers. 

These providers have skills and experience in managing injured workers with an emphasis on the health benefits of returning to safe and sustainable work after injury that can provide assistance and support to your injured workers during the return to work period.

Network providers

Occupational Physiotherapy

  • Better return to work rates: 10% better 3 months after first treatment and 5-15% better at 6 months compared to 'general'.

Network Occupational Therapy

  • Improved function: Less growth in attendant care costs compared to claims that received non-network Occupational Therapy treatment.

Network Pain Management Programs

  • Improved access: An average of only 17 days wait between approval of a program by the agent and the initial assessment.
  • Improved function: Individuals require less income support and treatment (including physio) 12 months after completing the program.

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Return to work coordinators play a valuable role in helping an injured worker get back to work. Find out how to solve common return to work problems to help you if you're having difficulty supporting an injured worker.

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