Using this manual
Use this manual to create clear, consistent and accessible content.
How to use this manual
Refer to this manual when you're creating WorkSafe content.
Think of it as your personal consultant for best practice content style. You'll find your own convenient way to navigate the manual.
We recommend as a useful standard navigation:
1. Start with 'Principles'.
Consider how best you can apply principles to your content. The principles are the foundations of all content you'll produce.
2. Drop by 'Content tips'
Ten tips and handy links you can apply and check on the go. Easy content wins. We'll keep an eye on the best tips to continually help you produce great content. So keep dropping in on this section.
Brush up on the 'rules of writing' as you're producing or reviewing your content.
The manual highlights a range of content standards and links you to the Australian Government Style Manual for everything else.
4. Check out 'Conventions'
Achieve consistency in your writing style (and with others' content) by applying these best practice conventions.
5. Refer to 'Terms'
We like to call a spade a spade. This final section of the manual also helps you achieve content consistency. We detail terms relevant to business areas and a range of useful acronyms and initialisms for standard content application.