When you’re unsure if your worker’s claim is genuine

As a return to work coordinator, what might you do when you’re unsure if a worker’s claim is genuine.


Is the claim genuine?

Regardless of whether you think your worker's claim should be accepted or not, provide your agent with all relevant information as early as possible to assist your agent to make the appropriate eligibility decision.

In the meantime, assume the claim will be accepted and work towards a positive return to work outcome based on this assumption.

In line with your return to work obligations under the Accident Compensation Act 1985, plan your worker's return to work, offer them suitable duties and consult with them and their GP.

Lamenting claims acceptance only increases the likelihood of strained relationships between you between you and the injured worker and is certain to result in an uphill battle for you, regardless of whether the claim is actually accepted or not.

While employers have the right to dispute claims, disputed claims that are subsequently accepted have worse RTW rates than those employers that 'get on with getting on'! and progress RTW activity regardless of their concerns.

Solve return to work problems

Return to work coordinators play a valuable role in helping an injured worker get back to work. Find out how to solve common return to work problems to help you if you're having difficulty supporting an injured worker.

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